
Servicing is an essential part of owning a vehicle regardless of what you drive, it could be a second hand Proton Gen-2 and/or a Chrysler Ypsilon, it doesn’t matter, every car needs them.

It is vitally important that you get your car serviced regularly in order to prevent mechanical failure and reduce the risk of a breakdown.

Most service providers recommend that you get a vehicle serviced either:

Every 12,000 miles


Every 12 months

They recommend that you do this whichever comes first, so if you drive 36,000 miles a year for example then you should probably be getting a service every 4 months or so.

If you drive less than 12,000 miles a year then you should get it done once annually.

There are different types of service – full services and interim services.

It is also recommended to get interim services completed every 6 months (in between your annual services) to ensure everything is working properly and you are not at risk of a breakdown.

Service providers will often offer discount when purchasing a service and MOT from them, so it is wide to look for discounts.